There’s a new discussion about eve mining and what skills is the best for beginners and/or those who wants to play the game…again.

Read the debate here.

To know more about the basics of playing EVE Onlne, read our easy-to-understand EVE Mining Guide.


Back in 2004, EVE was a very different place. The universe was sparsely populated and the cost of new ships meant most players avoided war like the plague. Mining was the primary moneymaking profession and dedicated mining corps were commonplace. While mining was just as boring then as it is today, it was the easiest and fastest way of gathering minerals for production. Today, mining is one of the least profitable professions and isn’t even close to being the best way of gathering minerals for production.

What happened over the years that has ruined the mining profession? I’ll tell you what happened…

Read more here.

For more tips and how to’s on playing EVE, visit EVE Online Mining.